WunderCovers Products
WunderCovers® seamlessly blend manhole, drain, or utility access covers and vaults
into their surrounding hardscapes, landscapes and softscapes.
Coming soon: PAVERPALS
Our new consumer covers are now available - blend any covers around the consumer landscape seamlessly.
Utility Access Covers
Hide utility trenches in plain sight while still allowing ease of access
More DetailsHow To Order:

- We offer hundreds of sizes and styles.
- Most common models are in stock.
- Custom sizes available.
- Sizes range from 1’ to 10’, square / rectangular or longer trench covers.
- Part numbers refer the frame size in cm. For example, WC70-70 is a 70cm square cover. Clear access is typically 2-4" (5-10cm) less.

- Galvanized steel.
- Stainless steel (SS suffix) is recommended for coastal and high salt regions).

- Tray fill can be pavers (-P), concrete (-M), tile (-T) or turf (-G). Turf covers have a rounded upper lip.
- Trays can be solid, allow drainage around the perimeter or trees in the center (WG prefix). The WG60-60 is a 60cm drainage Grate, has the equivalent drainage as a 10” pipe and is ADA compliant.
- Our Tile family (-T) vary from 1-3" deep and are design for tile around pools or patios.